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Remi Carrington

Bluebonnets & Billionaires Paperback Bundle

Bluebonnets & Billionaires Paperback Bundle

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Grab the ENTIRE Bluebonnets & Billionaires series (and 2 bonus e-book novellas) in 1 bundle!

Eight signed books for 10% off the price at the other book distributors. 

NOT available anywhere else!

Heroes with lots of heart and even more money find love in the Bluebonnets & Billionaires series. These sweet romances have all the swoon and a little bit of humor. 

Dating Nellie - She's next in line to inherit the family's billion-dollar business. But when she falls for the blue-eyed mechanic, her job is in jeopardy because of her grandfather.

Loving Livvy - She's homeless. He's a billionaire who wants to date her. But she refuses to be a charity case. So she slips away but accepts a job as his sister's live-in housekeeper. Nobody mentioned that the lived next door.

Charming Zoe - She agrees to marry a billionaire. The reasons are complicated, but love isn't one of them. It's hard enough giving up on the idea of true love, but then he pulls out a contract.

Forgiving Amy - She broke his heart and has regretted ever since. He's now a single dad to two little girls. When he walks his oldest into her first day of kindergarten, his ex is the teacher.

Surprising Gemma - She spills red wine on a stranger, and he ends up asking her out. There's only one problem. He lives in a different country.

Romancing Paige - He enjoys the back-and-forth emails with Aggie. But when he meets Paige, he's smitten, but she's so shy. At some point, he'll have to choose.

Convincing Kaci - She's working as his designer and decorating the massive house on his ranch. Then he asks her to pose as his girlfriend for the weekend. There are two big problems. 1) She shouldn't date a client and 2) her best friend is nuts about the guy.

Engaging Samantha - She's on a road trip with a total stranger. Or so she thought until she discovers his true identity.


  • Dating Nellie
  • Loving Livvy
  • Charming Zoe
  • Forgiving Amy
  • Surprising Gemma
  • Romancing Paige
  • Convincing Kaci
  • Engaging Samantha
  • Three Things I'd Never Do
  • Wrangled by Lilith
  • More Than a Pair of Jeans
  • Kissing Holly
  • Lattes & Lollipops

Dating Nellie Synopsis

Rich women don’t date their mechanics . . .

Coop keeps telling himself this after the spitfire in the red business suit storms into his auto repair shop and his life. His mantra might work if she didn’t keep coming back. Not that he minds.

Nellie can’t stop thinking about Coop, so she pretends her Jeep is making noises just to see him again. And it turns out the third time is the charm. After a few dates, she knows he is the man she wants. There are only two things standing between her and a happily ever after. A few billion dollars and an old man with a heart of stone.
After a heart-wrenching betrayal, Nellie chases after Coop . . . which isn’t easy to do in an evening gown.
Now that he knows her secret, will he still want her?

Chapter One Look Inside

Nellie stood at the floor to ceiling window, looking out over San Antonio. She sucked in a deep breath, counted to ten, then continued to twenty in an effort not to grip her grandfather’s neck and squeeze. Blood pounded against her eardrums in rhythm to her heartbeat.
She turned around to make sure he heard every word. “I am not meeting Drew Lawson for dinner and drinks.” She crossed the room and stood in front of the desk. “I spend at least ten hours a day at the office. I’m sure he can meet me while I’m here—at the office.”
“Sit down. The Lawsons are a very connected family. Dating him wouldn’t be a bad thing.” For Grandfather, the whole world revolved around business and good connections.
Nellie clenched her fists, still standing. “I am way too busy learning from you and doing my job to even think about dating.” She’d worked at the company long enough to know the ins and outs, but buttering up her grandfather might help the conversation go her way.
“You should never be too busy to make good business choices.” He checked the time on his Rolex as if the whole conversation bored him.
Nellie started counting again, backward this time. “When I date, it will not be for business. I am not like my brother. You managed to get Tanner dating for business, but I won’t.”
Grandfather shook his head in that condescending and irritating way. “This company has been in the family a long time. Dating someone to help it succeed isn’t much of sacrifice. Figure out your priorities, Eleanor.” No matter how many times she’d asked, he refused to call her Nellie.
Because you were such a good match. She knew what lines not to cross. Reminding the old man that he had been poor and not a good business connection for her grandmother pushed way past that line. She bit back the hurtful words and stayed on topic.
After a deep breath, Nellie restated her position. “I will only date men of my choosing, not yours.” She needed a break. “By the way, I’m leaving early today and will not be in at all tomorrow.”
“Are you dying? Do you have a surgery scheduled? Why won’t you be in the office?” Grandfather pushed up out of his chair.
“See you Friday.” She strolled out of the office, feeling for once like she hadn’t lost the battle to him.
In her own office, she shut off her computer and gathered papers into neat stacks. Nothing would implode while she enjoyed a day off.
As she walked out through the main lobby, the security guard hurried to push open the door. “Have a great afternoon, Ms. Davis.”
Not all people were like her grandfather, and the friendly security guard was a great reminder her of that.
“Thanks, Bob.” Waving, Nellie walked to her Jeep.
Sitting in the driver’s seat, she took several deep breaths. Work needed to stay at the office. Maintaining her sanity depended on that. As she pulled out of the lot, she tried to decide how to use the extra hours. The Jeep was due for an oil change, so she headed to the same place she’d taken it to before. She liked going to those places in a business suit because they treated her very differently than when she showed up in leggings and a t-shirt.
Seemingly, a hundred other people had the same idea about getting an oil change. Nellie waited anyway. The techs worked at a speedy pace, and Nellie headed home long before she expected to be done.
At home, after a hot bath, she pulled out a frozen dinner and warmed it in the microwave. It wasn’t that her mom hadn’t tried teaching Nellie to cook. She just wasn’t very good at it. And as much as she worked, heat-and-eat food was easier.
She paced as the frozen dinner spun in circles while heating. Her impulsive announcement about taking a day off left her with a whole day to fill. Boredom didn’t suit Nellie, so she called her mom. “Mom, hey. Busy tomorrow?”
“What’s going on, Nellie? Usually you are at work on Thursdays. Trouble in paradise?” The only daughter of Reginald Hunter, Mom knew all about the paradise of being around Grandfather.
Nellie leaned on the counter, stress finally working its way out of her muscles. “I didn’t quit. Just took a day off.”
“Which irritated him, I’m sure.” Mom let out a soft snicker. She’d put up with him far longer than I had.
“Oh yeah. Which is why I’m taking a day off. But I don’t even know what I’m going to do.” The microwave dinged, and Nellie slid the plastic container onto the counter.
“Leave it to me. We’ll shop, have lunch, and keep your mind off work.”
“Thanks, Mom. I’ll call you in the morning.” Nellie ended the call and carried her food into the den. Curled up at the end of the sofa, she clicked through channels. A sappy, romantic movie might be just what she needed at the end of her long and troublesome day.
Waking up to the sound of birds instead of her alarm put a smile on Nellie’s face. She didn’t bother to check her email but scrolled through social media a few minutes before wandering into the kitchen for coffee.
She brewed coffee and added a couple squirts of vanilla syrup to her mug. Taking the day off meant living large.
Eating a yogurt and sipping coffee, she didn’t even bother to sit at the table. When her phone rang, she reached for it, thinking it was Mom. It wasn’t.
Nellie slammed her mug on the counter and groaned. What did Grandfather want?
“Hello.” She hid all sign of her irritation.
He ignored her greeting a few moments, but she could hear him speaking to someone else.
She waited, certain she wouldn’t like the reason for the call.
“Eleanor, Lawson had some time this morning and is coming in to talk about the new project. I think you should be here. Will that be a problem?”
No matter what she said, she’d end up going into the office. She always ended up giving into her grandfather. “No, sir.” She rubbed her temple, hoping her head wouldn’t explode.
“Meeting is at nine.” He ended the call without a goodbye.
“Do this. Do that. You need to be here for a meeting.” She probably looked crazy talking to herself, but she needed to let off steam or she’d strangle the old man. She was tempted to do that a lot. Or quit. She was often tempted to do that, too.
Somewhere deep inside, she loved her grandfather, but working for him made that hard to remember.
After guzzling her coffee, she ran to the bedroom. She pinned her hair up in a twist and walked into her closet. The size of a small bedroom, it was a feature of the house she truly loved. Casual clothes hung on one side, business attire on the other. Casual wouldn’t work for a meeting with Lawson. Her outfit had to reek of authority and control. She headed straight to the suits. Flipping through outfits, she tried to decide which would be best. She yanked her red suit off the hanger and shed her leggings and sweatshirt, leaving them heaped on the floor. In her closet, she allowed herself to be a slob—nowhere else in the house, but it wasn’t like she spent enough time at home to make a big mess.
She pulled on a white camisole and tucked it in before zipping her skirt with one hand and grabbing heels with the other. Amid all the shuffling, she called her mom. “Hi.”
“Hey, Nellie. We should have lunch at that place at the Pearl. The steak and yucca fries there are so good.”
“I have to cancel. I’m sorry.” Nellie had been looking forward to spending the day with her mom.
“Did he schedule a meeting you just can’t miss?”
“How’d you guess? I wish I’d known my grandmother. It might have made all this easier.”
“It wouldn’t have.” Mom sighed. “We’ll have a shopping day another time.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Nellie tossed her phone on the bed and slipped on her heels.
Working in the family business meant adjusting her schedule to fit her grandfather’s whim. Almost thirty, Nellie was the one on the receiving end of his dictates most days. Reginald Hunter, her grandfather and owner of a billion-dollar corporation, expected even the weather to bend to his will.
Nellie put up with it, but only because of the prize for doing so—inheriting the business and with it a couple of billion dollars. Next in line for the corner office, she would someday take over. And it wasn’t the money she wanted. The company and the family legacy that went with it were the reason she put up with so much frustration.
Her brother, Tanner, also worked for the company, but Nellie was older, which made her the heir apparent. At least her grandfather didn’t get hung up on gender roles.
After glancing at the clock, she ran out the door. She had just enough time to grab coffee from her favorite shop on the way to the office, which she needed. Desperately.
A second cup, maybe even a third would be what got her through the day.
Her thoughts on contracts and negotiations, she passed the little shop and had to loop back around the block. This was why Grandfather always used a driver. Time on the road meant time for business.
Nellie parked and ran in.
“What’ll it be today, beautiful?” The barista, who’d been working there as long as she had been frequenting the place, waved as she walked in the door.
“Morning, Ernesto.” Nellie loved their coffee, and the attention wasn’t so bad either. “A vanilla latte. Actually—I’ll take two of them.”
“Two?” He winked and set to work making espressos and frothing milk.
She perched on a barstool, legs crossed, letting her heel dangle off her toe. “Both are for me. I anticipate a rough morning.”
“In that suit, you look ready to take on the world. Glad I’m not the one sitting on the other side of that conference table.” He flashed a smile capable of making a woman melt.
Thankfully, Nellie was immune to that sort of thing. “Yeah, right. I bet you could charm yourself out of anything.”
“Not me. But my cousin—that’s a different story.”
“Maybe I should meet this cousin of yours.” Nellie would make an exception to the too-busy rule for the right guy.
“You ever need a driver, I’ll set you up.” Ernesto handed over two cups.
She paid the bill and dropped a tip in the jar. “Thanks. Always a pleasure.”
Back in the Jeep, she took off down the road, ready to take on the day.
A mile down the road, something in the Jeep felt off. The engine sounded different. Or was that her imagination?
Irritation amped up her heart rate. This was not a good time for car trouble, not that any other time was better. If she didn’t make the meeting, Grandfather would assume she was trying to make a point and would probably reschedule a dinner meeting, just to get back at her. He hated even the hint that his authority wasn’t respected. He had control issues, and recognizing his, Nellie strived to control her own tendencies in that direction.
She spotted a car repair garage and changed lanes. Maybe it was something minor. She’d pull in and have them check it over. It was probably nothing. She tempered her concern with positive thoughts. I take great care of my Jeep. It isn’t that old. What could be wrong with it? It must be minor. Maybe a spark plug or something. She didn’t even know where to find the spark plugs.
Yards from the driveway, a horrible clunk sounded from in the engine—or near the engine. Startled, she shouted words her mother told her not to say and spilled coffee down the front of her white camisole.
The dash lights glowed like a Christmas display, and the engine lost all power. Whatever was wrong wasn’t minor. It was very bad. The whole Jeep smelled burnt. That signaled a huge problem.
Pressing down on the gas, she begged the Jeep to make it to the garage.
Please. I need one thing to go right today.
It barely moved, a repeating thunk pounding the air. Her saving grace was the downhill slope that led straight to the parking lot. She yanked the wheel, turned into the lot, and came to a dead stop in the middle of the driveway, where the ground flattened out and gravity could no longer assist.
Smoke appeared, and Nellie yanked on her flashers. In a rush to get out, she stretched her pencil skirt too far and heard the heart-sickening sound of fabric tearing—or maybe threads popping. Whatever it was, it added one more item to the list of things that hadn’t gone right.

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